Monday 19 March 2012



I would firstly like to say a big thank you for all those who have supported Dragonstone. I really appreciate your comments, feedback and reviews!

The book, so far, has been enthusiastically received and it is getting close to the time for moving forward with the book!

Putting aside important life interruptions that I have had recently, the valuable First Edition and 'test' version of Dragonstone HP that you have has been put through an upgrade process. I am aware that some amendments are required and it is the next version (Second Edition), which will be used for the main promotion. It shouldn't be too long now before the second edition edit is complete. Can I add that the first edition that you have will be rarer than the Harry Potter (First Ed), so keep it safe! (Keep it sealed).

There is still time to purchase some rare first print copies of DSHP for birthdays or general presents, so hurry before they vanish forever!

All I can say is that important links are being made and you will hear a lot more news in the near future!

Take care all!

Warmest Regards


Sunday 18 March 2012


Thanks Karen for this lovely review :O)

Dragonstone takes you on an amazing journey with its protagonist Charlie Stuart. Not only the journey to his new school and new found freinds, but into his new 'other world' and life. There are twists and turns throughout the story, each incorporating beautifully descriptive writing. The author has created a rich and colourful world in which Charlie tries to make sense of the strange things that are happening to him and his friends and family. There are myths, elements, legends and magick, which are cleverly woven into the Dragonstone story. The characters also deal with bullying and disabilities which is an excellent way of raising moral issues for younger readers.

There are so many things I could mention that I liked about the story, but that will spoil it for you. So I would encourage anyone to buy this book, either for themselves, a younger reader, or to share with a younger child. I also hear there is a sequel in progress, I'm looking forward to the next exciting adventure with Charlie and his friends!

Sunday 11 March 2012


Dear all, I hope that you are well!

Well I am pleased to announce that Dragonstone is now available to purchase via one of the largest book stores in the UK - Waterstones.

It is available On-line to order as well as being able to order via the store. As demand increases then Waterstones deem it fit to stock more copies. If you get chance, please go via your local store and order a copy to help the Dragonstone cause or at least order On-line :o)

Warmest Regards,
